It Happened Today-Reprise


Not just a photo locked in time,

It happened today.

There was no movie reel to return to,

Not a memory exactly,

Certainly no fragment to be savored,

But the real thing.


Suddenly; the past is no more.

Well, technically, it is, but you know,

That just something we say,

Because it helps others relate to it.

Otherwise they think we are crazy.

Because we can only “interact” with the now. Or so it seems.


Yet it is not so anymore.

There are no yesterdays, or tomorrows, or even today.

Just being. That’s it.

The real discovery, is it happened today.

Sonja Kristina had a better explanation; the soul giving out.


More than awareness, the past is alive, it is sacred.

Each moment captured as if it just happened,

Not recollection, but instant reflections, fused into eternity.

So this time can be replayed, step by step, smell by smell, taste by taste.

Savoring my being, this unfathomable gift from God.


So now all that is left is feeling.

Feeling all the love, the disappointments, the many continuous returns of the Prodigal.

Continually replayed until fully accepted, then swallowed.

Leaving the remnants of my existence,

Now spread like photos on the kitchen table.



The Gifts

They surround me like shards of light and warmth,

A Christmas morning every day,

Presents, gifts, love and the unending presence of Christ,

Sitting amongst us.



Today, I will take all these gifts with me,

Stored up in my soul, remembered in my mind,

As I walk through a day of thanksgiving,

Which should remain with me always.


As I remain in You.

Unexpected reaction

The shop owner was showing all the signs of another dispute.

The part I purchased did not work at all,

At least in the way I expected.

The “defense” letter arrived,

Part is working as designed. Must be your house that’s the problem.


Drawing breadth, I composed my response.

Holding back my real feelings of anger,

I outlined why I thought this was unfair, thanked them for trying,

But I just needed by money back.

And my peace again.


Within what seemed like moments the response came.

Yes, you can have your money back.

Thank You for your patience.

Perhaps I can continue to investigate and find out what the problem is.

Words of delight to my eyes.


Sometimes, we really do reap what we sow.

The unexpected arrives as our reward.

The Peaks and the Valleys

Resting, motionless, physically at the end of the day,

I see the hours just past,

Their peaks, clear from the sun soaked slopes,

Obvious to me as I reflect on my day with humanity.


Silently I congratulate myself on the wins,

A gleaming landscape viewed from afar,

Not focused on the detail,

But rather the result.


Then, suddenly, a twinge of the soul,

Piques my interest, not in a good way.

The shadows and valleys are teaming with others,

Unnoticed by me with my wide angle lens.


The shade blinds me temporarily,

But if I squint and ignore the mountaintop,

I can see a farmer ploughing,

Someone swimming in the river. A shopper just buying.


All I need to do is pause and notice.